SPORTS IN 2050 with Chris Cook - Double Olympian, Speaker & Exec Coach
Meaningful Trends Interview Series
We've been asking celebrated experts and prominent social, creative and innovative leaders to share their vision for the future. Then our guests created collaborative panels to further explore and discuss their future-oriented work and aspirations. Enjoy watching our Meaningful Trends interview series and take a part in our project.
Meaningful Trends Interview
with Olympian Chris Cook,
Motivational Speaker and Business Coaching
Chris Cook on athlete mentoring: "I use my experience of performing at the top of the sport, competing at the highest level for almost 10 years, alongside 14 years of mentoring people from all walks of life to show up and deliver their very best!
I combine the skills to create techniques and strategies that guide athletes to become psychologically controlled and measured so they can thrive in high-performance environments… and not just survive!"
The ‘2 Lengths’ keynote is Chris's signature keynote that has been inspiring audiences for over 10 years now. The keynote is all about the journey he took to get to the top of the sport of swimming. The story details the road from humble beginnings in South Shields through to the top of the world of swimming, collecting medals, and experiences of the podium around the world.
More info:
Lira Kay is a Founder of Meaningful Trends Project and an LK Creative Freedom Studio.
She is a visionary creative producer and a world-leading expert on the collective consciences and innovative therapeutic methodologies.
For the past 33 years she have been working with international clientele, public figures, cultural role models, missionaries, artists, gurus and teachers.
She consults on original innovative personal development technologies and methods, and leads global public projects to bring people and communities healing, hope and transformation.
Lira has been called a secret weapon behind sanity and phenomenal success of many prominent social and creative enterprises and their CEOs.
She is an international speaker, a bestselling author and publisher.
You can learn more about her work
Join her Meaningful Trends project ....